Samstag, 27. Juli 2019

poem for June 2019: Air raid

Air raid

You´ve delivered the grain, job done, now home.
you walk beside old Fanny´s head
to the steady beat of her hooves on the road,
enveloped in her warmth and tangy smell.

a hum, a rumble, in the sky behind you,
black dots growing in size, you run for shelter
under the lime tree, vast and leafy,
nestle against its roughness out of sight.

growl turns into thunder, they ´re flying low
searching for prey they ´re screaming past.
you´ve held your breath and closed your eyes
then silence falls – you gaze at the empty road.

the horse and cart have disappeared.
still feeling numb you let go of the bark
and stumble towards the road
look right, look left, they´re nowhere in sight.

Where have they gone? What shall I do?
My hosts - what are they going to say? - To them
you´re just a stranger, another hungry mouth
barely earning his keep by his work.

Anxiously you´re heading for the farm
racked by guilt yet yearning for its safety.
"Where have you been?" the farmer gruffly.
"She´s home, knows where that is, she does."

Gudrun Rogge-Wiest, July 2018/April + July 2019

When during World War II air raids on the industrial Ruhr area of Germany were expected, the children were evacuated. My father who was about 12 years old at the time was quartered with a farmer near the town of Soest for some time. He earned his keep by helping with the farm chores.
Later, he spent another period of evacuation with a family near Achern on the slopes of the Northern Black Forest where he was treated like one of their own children. He has always kept up relations with the family.

Sonntag, 21. Juli 2019

Reflections for May 2019: How to be a millionaire

                                  Municipal open-air swimming pool, Wendlingen am Neckar, Germany

How to be a millionaire

Translation of "Eine Millionärin wie du und ich" von Harry Waßmann,
SWR2, Wort zum Tag (Verkündungssendung), 10.7.2019 (spiritual reflection for 10 June 2019)
It´s the dream of many – to be a millionaire. But how to become one?
Recently, an elderly woman taught me how.
It was in the municipal open-air swimming pool on a sunny day. The woman climbed out of the water and said beaming with happiness: "I feel like a millionaire each time when I am in this pool."
With this she didn´t mean money or assets. It was her pure joy about the pool, which has been maintained by many volunteers for 80 years with its attractive play areas, changing rooms, an orchard and besides overlooking the castle in the neighbourhood.
A little swimming pool in a small town – maintained by volunteers day after day - the joy of being able to use all this makes her a millionaire.
Of course, this is not the euphemism of an underprivileged woman who daydreams herself into being rich. It´s quite a realistic calculation. No way would she be able to afford such a pool herself, maybe not even as a millionaire. When people pool their resources, however, they can accumulate wealth, be it in the form of taxes or of other kinds of contributions. They can make many people rich independent of their individual incomes.
The early Christian community in Jerusalem is said to have lived in a spirit of togetherness like this. All of them shared everything. They shared their possessions and none suffered any want. Of course, there were also disappointments, upheavals, crises - even cases of embezzlement according to Luke in the Book of the Apostles. Nevertheless, they were inspired by the give and take of sharing and participating. In other words: They were touched by the Holy Ghost and lived according to the spirit of Jesus.
What a blessing that in our country* the really big legacies which have been passed on from generation to generation are communal properties: forests and rivers, roads and schools, all kinds of museums and other assets including churches. Where such big legacies are privatised everyone suffers a considerable loss of wealth.
It is worth figuring out how rich we really are – together with so many others! The "millionaire" in the swimming pool opened my eyes. Since then I have felt like a multi-millionaire without taking anything away from others. A millionaire – like you and me.

*The author refers to Germany and in particular to Baden Württemberg in the south west of the country. Many more assets could be added to his list of big communal legacies such as libraries, hospitals, the water supply, and not least a vast network of footpaths including public access to lake shores and river banks which allows freedom of movement and an experience of nature to an extent which I am immensely grateful for every time I return from countries where public property is the exception.

                                           Klosterweiher, St. Georgen im Schwarzwald

You can find the German text under: 

In this context the poem I posted for July 2017,  'Why should I pay indeed?'  by Barbara Rank
is worth reading, too.

Samstag, 6. Juli 2019


                                        Klosterweiher in St. Georgen im Schwarzwald, 2018


Ein Wolkenschiffchen ankert in der Flaute
im blauen Meer des Firmaments, ein Fähnchen Rauch
gleicht Sommerschnee im Kar, der niemals taute.
Den Talgrund grünen Fichtenast und Uferstrauch.

Dies reine Bild der Ruhe und Beschaulichkeit
ist allem Anschein nach zu fahl und minder. 
So malt der Künstler satter noch das Farbenkleid
ein Doppel nun im Teich für Zwillingskinder.

Im klaren Spiegel sättigt sich des Himmels Blau,
der Bäume Nadelgrün verstärkt sein Glänzen.
Im neuen Anstrich liegt das Wolkenschiff am Tau,
vermag im Weiß das Bunte zu ergänzen.

Ingo Baumgartner, österreichischer Dichter, 1944-2015

                                                               Spreekanal in Berlin, 2019

                                                Die Neiße zwischen Bad Muskau und Forst, 2013

                                                              Schloss Bad Muskau, 2013

                                            Leipzig, MDR-Turm und Universitätskirche, 2014

                                                             Gewandhaus in Leipzig, 2014

Der Reiz der Spiegelung

Die Spiegelung in Seen und Bächen

bereichert ihres Ursprungs Bild.

Sie dreht, verwischt Kontur und Flächen,

formt Weiches kantig, Schroffes mild.

Ich stehe gern vor solchem Truge,

schau nur hinunter, nicht hinauf.

Da zittern Bäume, eine Fuge

trennt Felsgestein durch Wellenlauf.

Verdoppeln sich gar Blatt und Blüte,
der Ufersegge Polsternest,
so schenkt der Zufall dem Gemüte
ein zweifach schönes Augenfest.

Ingo Baumgartner, österreichischer Dichter, 1944-2015

Völkerschlachtdenkmal in Leipzig, 2014

                                                     Mikocheni, Daressalaam, 2009

Garden of Remembrance, Dublin, 2016

                                           Der Neckar bei Wendlingen, 2017                   

                                           Schäferhausersee bei Wendlingen am Neckar, 2019

Neckar bei Wendlingen mit Blick auf die Ulrichsbrücke, 2019

                                Ulrichsbrücke zwischen Köngen und Wendlingen, 2019

ging er
durch den
nächtlichen Garten.
die mit Wasser
gefüllte Schale,
in der
die goldene
Mondsichel schwamm,
und sein Auge
und Herz erfreute.
ein Stein
ließ ihn stolpern,
und die Schale entglitt
seinen behutsamen
Und es verrannen
und Wolke,
und der
halbfertige Mond.

                       © Manfred Schröder (*1938), deutsch-finnischer Dichter, Aphoristiker und Satiriker