Sonntag, 26. Februar 2017

A Winter´s Tale 2016 (poem)

Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
mi ritrovai per una selva oscura
ché la diritta via era smarrita

One day in the middle of my life it happened
that I lost my way in a dark forest.

Dante Alighieri (1265-1321), Divina Commedia (1307-1321)

As I was walking in the woods
one Sunday in November,
my head was full of morbid thoughts,
the cold air made me shiver.

My troubled mind was circling round
and round our children´s future,
What kind of life would they lead in this world?
What destiny would they meet there?

Quite suddenly a gentle voice
spoke out as if floating beside me,
and asked: "Why are you sad, my friend,
you´ve got reason enough to be merry!

The war has long been history,
your country has been thriving.
You are represented in parliament,
have human rights and freedom.”

"Sounds good, o stranger, but you are deceived,
the people rebel everywhere.
Anxiety goes about our country,
it is high time to take care.

And agitators incite the masses,
the wave of hatred spreads fast.
They stir up xenophobia,
fuel fear and distrust.

Anxiety makes the masses look up
to a strong and powerful nation,
to something bigger than themselves,
to dissolve in rapt adoration.

They worship strong leaders who mercilessly
exert control over their people,
treat with contempt the division of power
and mock civil rights and freedoms.

Oh stranger, did I bore you with
this old and sad song about nations?
But anxiety might soon destroy
the hard work of generations.”

Now, I had ended my lament,
and we didn´t speak for some minutes.
My soul was shivering with the cold,
I was at the end of my wits.

There, there,”he said in a gentle voice.
I can understand your troubles.
Indeed, great danger is looming ahead.
The future of Europe wobbles.

True tyrants can´t help but despise the law,
they strive for absolute power,
with them despotism holds the floor,
folks are not themselves any more.

Whoever annoys them will be cleansed
there´ll be censorship of the media,
distrust extends to your best friends
for fear that they´ll denounce you.

So have faith in your judgment, think for yourselves,
resist the force of the maelstrom.
Defend the rule of law passionately,
it´s the guardian spirit of freedom.

I sensed that he had disappeared,
yet, my soul felt alive with emotion,
and suddenly all the doubts were gone
the lump in my throat was forgotten.

The forest did not seem bleak any more,
my surroundings had become brighter,
a sliver of sky had opened up
for which it was well worth fighting.

Gudrun Rogge-Wiest, December 2016

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